We scout hotel real estate with a totally different perspective than your typical hospitality brokerage services. We operate on a broker mandate from investors, hoteliers, and funds to locate the most promising hotel deals worldwide. But the financial aspect is only one part of the analysis. The most important element of our work is to see if there is underlying potential to double ADR through strategic repositioning and branding. As developers and branding experts for independent luxury hotels, we advise our clients to invest only in the type of properties we would buy for ourselves. In our estimation, 90% of listings from most hospitality brokerage firms are entirely inadequate and uninteresting in terms of design and economics. So we do the leg work ourselves. We spend months scouting out that perfect location — a real estate opportunity or dismissed hotel that’s ripe for development or repositioning. These are the types of highly vetted projects that ultimately yield the highest ADR and ultimately demonstrate an exceptional ROI and NPV